
Land Location

Mercia Power Response (MPR) has a proven track record of partnering with landowners to generate stable income streams having 40 sites currently under operation. We can offer long-term contracts, to host one of our battery energy storage sites (BESS).

If you have land located:
  • near a grid connection point (Substation, Overhead powerline etc.)
  • 150m from the nearest residential housing
  • in an industrial/commercial or rural setting
  • Ideally outside of a designated area such as SSSI, Green Belt, National Park etc.

Then MPR could be interested in buying or leasing your land for the construction of a power plant. Get in touch with us today!

It may even be possible for your land to be retained for its current purpose (e.g. agriculture), whilst we obtain the grid connection and planning permission for the site.

MPR take full responsibility for the construction and operation of the power plant, including:
  • Obtaining necessary consents (planning permission, environmental permit etc.)
  • Acquiring grid connections
  • Securing long-term revenue streams
  • Obtaining funding with our partner investors
  • Constructing the site
  • Operating the site
  • Insuring and maintaining the site

1st Step

Get in touch with us

2nd Step

We will review the suitability of your site for an energy project

3rd Step

We will agree heads of terms for the project with you

4th Step

We will submit an application for a grid connection

5th Step

We will prepare and submit planning application and agree all the necessary legal contracts.

6th Step

We will secure relevant permissions and construct. The site will generate guaranteed long-term rental income.


Mercia Power
Strelley Hall
Main Street

+44 (0)115 906 1289