
Project Details

The planning application was approved in February 2023 and can be found here on the Sheffield City Council website (Ref. 22/03606/FUL).

The Site is currently an existing yard surface comprising concrete hardstanding, located off Darnall Road in the east of Sheffield.

The facility will provide essential infrastructure and stability services for the National Grid by storing and releasing electrical energy for times of high demand or network stress. It will also facilitate the further deployment of renewable energy within the wider UK electrical generation mix.

  • The existing site is currently sloped north to south. The proposed design for the Site will see the slopes being levelled, by a ‘cut and fill’ exercise, into two terraces to allow the installation of the equipment on level areas. 
  • The civil engineering design will see areas of ‘fill’ material to form the northern flat compound. This fill will likely be engineered using a Reinforced Soil Wall (RSW) design. The RSW will have a maximum outer slope angle of 70 degrees. The outer facing RSW will be finished in a green ‘living’ face and planted with appropriate species.
  • The proposed development includes areas of new landscaping, planting, and habitat enhancement on the eastern portion of the Site. It is anticipated to extend to some 500m2 of new landscaping/planting area.